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Property Tax Appeal, Compliance and Audit Defense

Many companies overpay their property taxes by 5-25%. Tax assessors have the advantage over taxpayers by employing dozens to hundreds of employees to gather and maintain vast amounts of data to establish and defend values. Taxpayer time and expense to prepare for and attend inflexible hearings also plays to the favor of the tax assessor. However, with proper representation, taxpayers can gain the advantage and reduce their property taxes to fair and equitable levels.

Property taxes are based on the appraised values of real estate (land and buildings) and business personal property (equipment, furniture, computers, inventory etc.). Property taxes are significant expenses for most asset intensive companies. Business owners are focused on running their core business, and property tax management is often not on the CEO's radar. Few taxpayers have the resources to effectively identify, gather, process and analyze the huge volumes of available public and private data necessary to effectively appeal excessive or unequal property tax valuations on their real estate and business personal property, handle property tax compliance obligations and respond to ongoing audit requests from county assessors.

Greenback acts as an advocate for the taxpayer in negotiations with county tax assessors. We aim to represent our clients throughout the entire tax cycle including rendition compliance, value negotiation at all administrative levels, and exemption and abatement consulting. If litigation is necessary to achieve a fair and equitable result, Greenback can recommend top law firms and coordinate the litigation process until the case is concluded.

Greenback offers property tax solutions in the following areas:

Real Estate Value Appeals
Business Personal Property (BPP) Value Appeals
Property Tax Compliance
Audit Defense

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