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Property Tax Appeal for Business Personal Property

Greenback consultants leverage experience and technology to reduce property taxes through business personal property tax appeal and audit defense. Assessors typically determine the tax value of personal property (equipment, furniture, computers, inventory, etc.) based on value trending schedules that frequently overstate the actual fair market value. Appeal of personal property tax valuations by a property tax consultant is usually justified when the property is not technologically current or it has suffered from physical, functional, or economic obsolescence. Further, refund opportunities are often discovered during a business personal property tax audit by applying market value strategies and by utilizing software tools to document disposed assets.

Personal Property Tax Appeal
The most significant opportunity for taxpayers to increase company profits is to appeal overstated property tax values. For a business personal property tax appeal, a Greenback team works to ensure tax returns are filed on the front end taking advantage of jurisdiction profiling, ghost asset suppression, asset scrubs, exemption identification and fair market valuation.

When assessors propose values that exceed fair market value, Greenback provides appeal filing, site inspection, data gathering, case preparation and hearing representation. Greenback determines the most advantageous route of appeal and proceeds through all appropriate informal and formal administrative hearings. In extreme cases where there is a legal basis for further appeal, Greenback can recommend litigation when necessary.

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